Kindergarten Science

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Kindergarten Science Units:

  1. Earth and Space Science: Weather and Climate
  2. Physical Science: Forces & Interactions: Push & Pulls
  3. Life Science: Interdependent Reltionships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants and their Environment

General Research

1. Weather and Climate

  1. ACCU Weather forecast
  2. ACCU Weather US satellite forcast
  3. CNN Weather  - Weather for Oradell, NJ
  4. National Weather Service  - U.S. weather


  1. Welcome to Eye on the Sky  - Generate a weather report using real time information.
  2. Weather Watch Tools  - Scholastic

Our World

  1. Sunrise, Sunset  - Beacon learning center
  2. As the World Turns  - Beacon learning center
  3. 4 Seasons  - animated



  • cloudy- having many clouds in the sky
  • cold- having a very low temperature
  • forecast-   using information to predict the weather
  • hot- having a very high temperature
  • hurricane- an extremely large, powerful, and destructive storm
  • precipitation - general name for water in any form falling from clouds. This includes rain, drizzle, hail, snow and sleet.
  • rainy- having a lot of rain
  • shelter- a structure that covers or protects people or things
  • snowstorm-   a storm with a large amount of falling snow
  • snowy- having a lot of snow
  • storm- an occurrence of bad weather in which there is a lot of rain, snow, etc., and often strong winds
  • sunny- having plenty of bright sunlight
  • temperature- the measurement of how hot or cold something is
  • thermometer- the instrument which measures temperature
  • thunderstorm- a storm with lightning and thunder
  • weather - the temperature and other outside conditions (such as rain, cloudiness, etc.) at a particular time and place
  • windy- having a lot of wind


  • Record and chart daily weather patterns: temperature, cloud cover, precipitation (rain/snow). Compare the weather of different seasons.
  • Make a paper plate sundial
  • Make a pinwheel
  • Design and build a sun structure to measure the effects of sun on the earth’s surface    
  • Using UV beads to test if the sun penetrated the surface
  • Made for the Shade -UV sensitive Lizards
  • Cloud observations    
  • Shaving cream rain clouds  
  • Create a class weather vane


  1. NSTA -  NGSS Standards, by topic  *  Learning Center   * Resources  
  2.   Discovery videos and lesson ideas
  3.  Open Ed - Background and lesson
  4.   Online Simulations  - PHET - U. of Colorado
  5. Science Spot lessons
  6. Concord Consortium simulations (requires Java)
  7. Weather Wiz Kids   activity ideas, daily weather, experiments
  8. Web Weather for Kids - UCAR   - activity ideas
  9. Brainpop
  10. ShiShow Kids  YouTube (4 min video clips and experiment ideas)


2. Forces & Interactions: Push & Pulls

  1. Push and Pull game - BBC
  2. Push and Pull to the playgroun d - video
  3. Push & Pull Forces  - video with examples
  4. Push or Pull song


  1. Build a Roller Coaster  - Learner

  2. Build your roller coaster  - Discover > new webite coming soon

  3. Teacher   - How Stuff Works


  1. Lever Investigation  video - Sid the Science Kid
  2. Balance videos  - PBS
  3. Lifting with levers  -  PBS
  4. Ramps  - PBS
  5. Fun with Friction  with Sid the science kid


  • bump - t o hit against an object in a sudden and forceful way
  • backward - toward what is behind
  • collide - to hit or crash
  • direction - the line or course on which something moves.
  • force - a push or pull
  • forward - toward what is ahead
  • gravity - a force that pulls things to Earth
  • motion - the action or process of moving or being moved
  • pull - when you make things move towards you.  Pulling is a force.
  • push - when you make things move away from you. Pushing is a force.
  • ramp - a sloping surface which can change the speed of an object
  • rolling - moving by turning over and over
  • slope - ground that slants downward or upward
  • speed - how fast things move
  • start - to begin moving
  • stop - to not move


  1. Push - Pull change directions
  2. Marble roll
  3. Roller Coaster
  4. Ramp Builder
  5. School Scavenger Hunt for examples
  6. Bowling
  7. Dominoes


  1. NSTA -  NGSS Standards, by topic  *  Learning Center   *  Resources   
  2.   Discovery videos and lesson ideas  
  3.  Open Ed - Background and lesson
  4. Science Spot lessons
  5. Concord Consortium simulations (requires Java)
  6. Brainpop

3. Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems:
        Animals, Plants & their Environment

Living or Non-living

  1. Living or Non-Living - video

Living Things

Chicks & Eggs

  1. Baby Chick Hatchery  - Museum of Science in Chicago
  2. Egg hatching
  3. 4H - Chicks  Egg CAM, photos and movies
  4. Worms


  1. Animals  - Busch Gardens

Farm Animals

  1. Out and About the Farm  - video
  2. Kids Farm
  3. The Kids' Farm  - National Zoo
  4. About Farm Animals

  1.  Sheep Herding  with LED's
  2. Sheep drawings
  3. Sheep Shearing  - Show 1st 4 minutes


  1. Cow Parade  - video
  2. Cows mooing  - video
  3. Happy cows  - video


  1. Watch plants grow

Non- Living Things





  • animal - a living thing that has movement and basic needs of food, water, air, and space to live
  • earth - the planet on which we live; the world; soil
  • environment - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
  • food - any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth
  • habitat - the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism
  • natural resources - something found in nature that can be used by people
  • plant - a living thing with basic needs of nutrients, sunlight, water, air, and space pollute - contaminate water, air, or a place with harmful or poisonous substances
  • recycle -   to make something new from something that has been used before
  • survive - continue to live


  1. Science Juornal
  2. Plant seeds
  3. Where do Polar Bears Live?
  4. BrainPop Jr. - Animals, Plants, Habitats, Conservation
  5. The Needs of living Things
  6. Living Things and Their Needs
  7. Paper Towel Plants
  8. Compare & Contrast animals
  9. Build a bird house
  10. Use recycled materials


  1. NSTA -  NGSS Standards, by topic  *  Learning Center   *  Resources   
  2.   Discovery videos and lesson ideas  
  3.  Open Ed - Background and lesson
  4. Science Spot lessons
  5. Concord Consortium simulations (requires Java)
  6. Brainpop




  1. Food Champs  -
  2. Food Group Games  - Nourish Interactive
  3. Nutrition for Kids  - Sheppards
  4. The Story of Sparky
  5. Ourselves comparison game- BBC

Solids & Liquids